The PHOTOCUBE XL and PHOTOCUBE M from COSYSPEED are a surprisingly affordable alternative to a camera bag or a camera backpack. This is always the case when equipment has to be transported from A to B, e.g. to a shoot on location, and it is important to you to have decent order, a good overview and quick access to your gear. And the design of a photo bag could not be purer. Only the essential shapes and functions were the focus of the design and so you will find straight, no-frills shapes in this purest form of a camera bag. Both PHOTOCUBEs come with a solid handle and a shoulder strap to carry your PHOTOCUBE XL or M comfortably over your shoulder. The production is environmentally friendly and fair under certification according to SGS, ISO9000 and ISO14000.
If you always store your equipment in PHOTOCUBEs, you will always have decent order and overview on the shelf in your office. Use e.g. a PHOTOCUBE M for your batteries and chargers, a PHOTOCUBE XL for flashes and accessories, a PHOTOCUBE XL for your camera and lenses. So you always know where what is and when you want to go to a photo shoot, you only need to reach for your PHOTOCUBES and have everything with you. And when shooting on location, order, overview, quick access and protection of your equipment continue. An opened PHOTOCUBE gives you instant overview of all equipment, which is stored in it - bye bye searching - and a closed PHOTOCUBE offers first-class protection!
The PHOTOCUBEs M and XL from COSYSPEED are made of first-class materials. Robust NYLON D600, which is used in outdoor and military applications, guarantees high quality and protection. Quality zippers with easy-grip zipper pullers can be operated even with gloves. A solid padding made of PE-sheets and extra strong foam protect your equipment profoundly. The PHOTOCUBE M holds a camera with 2 to 3 lenses and the PHOTOCUBE XL camera/lens combinations up to e.g. a SONY A1 with 200-600 mm attached. In addition, the PHOTOCUBEs fit perfectly to the COSYSPEED PHOTOHIKER hiking backpack for photographers.